Registered Readers

Hello Champions,

We love to spread knowledge and words of wisdom. We love to encourage you to read books, as our slogan says,” Kailaba – jasle kitab padh bhanchha”, that is Kailaba – who says you to read books. For wonderful and better learning experience, We are here, taking Registration from Readers and making our family more grand and more specific. 

Please fill below form to be registered to our family and select different categories of books that you love to read. And, we will send you books as per your request and We will be happy to see you reading. 

For love return to us, we encourage you to write about books that you have been reading. We love to hear from our Champions, ideas and knowledge you gain from books. Write back to us, your stories, your experience with books and knowledge from books so that others Champions may get benefit from your reading. As this is family of readers, all time learners. We will publish your writing on our blog page. 

Thank you for reading, Thank you for loving us and Thank you for learning, that at least when you learn and read, you also send some vibes to the universe helping our motto to be spread which is, “Kailaba- Jasle kitab padh bhanchha.”