Champions, What If I say you that, becoming Rich is a science?? It has an exact science like, 2+3 gives you 5, similarly, there is a way, through which No matter, where you are, what you do or the circumstances you are in, you are going to end up as a Rich.
This exact Science is the simple as explained by, W.D Wattles, in the book, “The Science of Getting Rich“.
So, here we are bringing you the lessons and knowledge from The Science of Getting Rich. Are you Ready to be the Rich and follow the exact science??
Let’s begin the journey here:
Starting from the premise that everyone has the right, the possibility, but also the duty to be rich, Wallace D. Wattles shows us that the wealth we create is directly proportional to the determination and faith we have to achieve what constitutes our vision as well as the degree of sincerity of our gratitude towards all that is happening in our life. For him, taking efficient action to get rich depends only on these determining factors.
In his book “The Science of Getting Rich”, Wallace D. Wattles presents the process that gives access to the wealth we desire: principles, attitudes, practices. A small point before starting: It should be noted that the book The Science of Getting Rich is one of the oldest on the subject; it was written in 1910, which explains the language that is at times outdated.
Introduction to The Science of Getting Rich
Here, the author indicates to us that “The Science of Getting Rich” is a practical and not theoretical work, which is based on a way of conceiving the Universe, which he will not demonstrate scientifically but for which he asks us to take his word, in order to make effective all the ideas that he will develop to implement the process of enrichment. This is the monistic conception of the Universe, which today merges with the latest discoveries in quantum physics, the idea that a single substance manifests itself through the plurality of the material world. Quantum physicists would say, “everything is energy, just energy that vibrates at different frequencies.”
Wallace D. Wattles uses the following three sentences, which will be repeated throughout the book:
- Everything on Earth comes from a substance, from an essence, from which everything arises and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates and fills the interspaces of the universe.
- A thought within this substance produces what is imagined mentally.
- An individual can mentally form things and by impressing his thought upon formless substance can result in the creation of the thing he is thinking about.
Chapter 1 • The Right to Be Rich
In this first chapter, Wallace D. Wattles invites us to make a first observation: The reality of today is that we live in a world of money. Or more precisely, in a world where money quantifies our exchanges. It is therefore simply not possible today to live without money.
The phrase that could sum up this chapter by itself: “Man’s right to life means his right to have the free and unrestricted use of all the things which may be necessary to his fullest mental, spiritual, and physical unfoldment. In other words, his right to be rich.”
Because to live fully and develop all his talents, it is necessary to make the three planes which constitute the human being vibrate in an equivalent manner: body, mind, and soul. So, what do I need to make my body happy? Clothes that celebrate it, food that is both good, tasty, and healthy, etc. What recreation does my mind need? Knowledge, travel, intellectual companionship, etc. As for my soul? Express the love I feel for those around me by opening myself up to generosity. How much money do I need for all of this?
At the end of this chapter, he goes further by explaining that becoming rich is an obligation to oneself, but also to humanity since, by doing so, we will give the best of ourselves and therefore be an example for others.
Chapter 2 • There Is a Science of Getting Rich
Just like algebra or mathematics, the science of getting rich is an exact science. As surely as 1 plus 1 is 2, there are laws that govern the process of acquiring wealth. Whoever applies them becomes rich; it’s mathematical. There is no exception to the rule. Enrichment comes as a result of doing things.
Because have you noticed that everywhere on this planet there are those who are rich and those who are poor? In all trades, and in all cities too. Among people in good or poor health, among talented and average people; among those with a high IQ or those said to be less intelligent, there are rich people and poor people. You can have gone to college and be poor or not have done so and be rich.
You can do the same job and not have the same success. Even stranger, whether you’re thrifty or a spender, you may or may not be rich. So, what do you think creates wealth? What differentiates the rich from the poor, if not talent, intelligence, education, location; or profession, or even how one spends money? Quite simply the action taken.
Lack of capital has never stopped anyone from getting rich. Even if you are poor and heavily in debt, you only have to start doing what you usually do in a certain way to get out of the spiral of poverty and raise capital. For the acquisition of capital is part of the enrichment process.
Chapter 3 • Opportunities for All
Contrary to what one might read or hear in various quarters, remarks like “some should live more simply so that others can simply live” are not accurate. The rich take nothing from the poor. It is true that some sectors are in the hands of large conglomerates and that you will probably not wake up tomorrow morning at the head of a large oil company that hires you, but you can get into many other areas.
Indeed, there are multiple unexplored sectors in which it is perfectly possible to create wealth. The unmet needs are innumerable. You just need to look around, be on the lookout for emerging opportunities, and even create new concepts.
To illustrate this, you only have to look at the evolution of humanity and of the material or immaterial goods that have been created on this planet over the course of history. They have appeared quite simply as the needs arose. To take a contemporary example, if oil energy tends to become scarce, you should know that the sun sends us 5,000 times more than our current planetary needs every day.
When he needs something, man creates it. In a constantly changing world, to solve his travel needs, man created the car and suddenly his horizon was no longer as limited as when he travelled on horseback. This applies to everything. It is life and its creative power that manifests itself in this way. Everyone can therefore follow the trend that leads to wealth or the trend that leads to poverty.
When in doubt, Wallace D. Wattles ends the chapter by writing; “Don’t ask yourself why these things are true and don’t investigate how they can be. Just believe it.” It should be remembered here that this work was written in 1910. Today we could add to these two sentences: “or study quantum physics if you really want to understand how the universe works.” But it will definitely take you a little while, and it might be smarter to spend that time applying the science of getting rich!
Chapter 4 • First Principle in the Science of Getting Rich
Thought is the only force that can produce tangible wealth from the substance, from the essence which is at the origin of everything in the Universe. This is because this original substance is constantly evolving, and it evolves according to our thoughts. This is at least the monist theory of the Universe. Today we would rather speak of the law of attraction, to use a more contemporary vocabulary and especially a vocabulary most commonly used in the field of personal development.
So, if you think about the house of your dreams, it will not “appear” instantly out of thin air, but you will bring together the creative energies already in place on the market and direct them towards the rapid construction of that house. It is also possible that this house is already built and that you will be become aware that this house exists.
Every thought that we have permeates the substance at the origin of everything and will create our reality: poverty or wealth. Everyone can become rich by making this monist theory of the Universe their own, or by applying the law of attraction conscientiously, for in each of us is the faculty to think about what we want to think about.
The human mind is such that the appearances of the visible world tend to generate a corresponding form in the mind of the beholder. Thus, observing or focusing on poverty leads to poverty-oriented thinking and creates more poverty. It is therefore necessary to focus on abundance, to the point of thinking that poverty does not exist, that only wealth exists. In doing so, you imbue the original substance with your idea of wealth and therefore you create it. Actually.
Chapter 5 • Life Increases
This is a slightly more philosophical chapter, the aim of which is to get rid of our old ideas and our old habits about poverty. Plants reseed themselves, animals reproduce, technologies evolve, etc. In short, life increase and goes naturally towards more expansion. As in Chapter 3, the author invites us here, beyond the simple consideration of wealth; to reflect on our way of seeing life. He suggests that we see in this process of expanding life an invitation to create and live in more wealth.
Evolution, which places more and more technology and more and more knowledge at our disposal, leads us towards a life that is more and more complete, more and more fulfilled, and therefore, more and more rich. Material wealth following this flow, it is necessary if we want to respect this flow of life, to do everything possible to enrich ourselves.
So, there is no justification for poverty. However, in this increase in wealth, we must not forget to keep the balance in the three components of the human being (body, mind, soul). It is not about getting rich just for the sensual satisfaction of the needs of our body, nor to gain more power, just as the sole purpose of enrichment should not be to work for the good of others. Everything is linked.
Thus, in order to fit harmoniously into this flow of life, in this flow towards more wealth, Wallace D. Wattles recommends giving up the idea of competition. He puts forward the idea of creation. We need to create our wealth and not compete for what already exists. We can get anything we want without having to deprive anyone of anything.
Of course, some claim the opposite, but for the author, accumulated wealth is never satisfactory if it does not contribute to creating more life. If we think that wealth is limited and that we have to take it from someone else, we are not in a dynamic of creation, and we do not respect the three components of who we are.
Chapter 6 • How Does Wealth Come to You?
In the continuation of what has just been said, the idea is not to give up all negotiation in the business world, only to a certain extent: You do not need to enter into negotiations that are not fair. It’s not about getting something for nothing. On the contrary, you are invited to give more than you get. One of the principles of the science of getting rich, as you will have already noted, is to always create more life and more wealth.
To understand why, here’s a real-life example: When you buy a book, the paper and ink may not be worth the price you paid to get the book. However, its content has brought you much more knowledge, pleasure, and happiness than the amount you paid for the object. That’s it; creating life, creating wealth.
So, you can now re-examine all of your transactions through this way of considering money creation. If you hire people, you can do likewise. Obviously, in order for your business to continue to operate, they must generate more wealth than the money you give them as wages. That said, you can make sure to bring them more, by offering them other perks, or by setting up a policy of advancement that will help whoever wants to apply these principles and get rich to do so.
Doing so, the materialization of your wealth is unlikely to be immediate. As we have already seen in Chapter 4, the house of your dreams is not going to spring up suddenly before your eyes, but you have to keep an unshakeable faith that it is going to happen in your life. “The original substance is in everything, it communicates with everything, it is able to influence everything,” says Wallace D. Wattles. So, you can never know that such and such a person will meet such and such a person and that such and such information will circulate in such a way that it will reach you.
This is how we are closely linked to the original substance; in the feeling as in the satisfaction of our desires. All your desires are the expression of the original substance which is manifested through you. The vibratory character of the original substance works in the following way: Those who know how to appreciate beauty have in them the potential to be surrounded by beautiful things; those who love knowledge have in them the potential to study more. For wealth, it works the same way. Those who love material wealth have the potential to attract it into their lives. For this happen, it is necessary to keep in mind the precise image of what you want to have; and what you want will come to you, by whatever means.
We recommend that you read our article on the cult book Poor Dad, Rich Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.
Chapter 7 • Being Grateful
We have just seen it, it is a question of impressing your thoughts upon the original substance; to obtain what you want. This is how riches come to us. It is therefore necessary and even fundamental to maintain good relations with it; to vibrate at the same frequency as it, for those who know more about the idea of the law of attraction than this monistic conception of the Universe. So, how do you vibrate at the frequency of the formless substance; or in other words, vibrate at the frequency of creation of the Universe? The answer is in one word: gratitude. Indeed; it is gratitude that allows us to tune into the Universe; to initiate this process of mental adjustment and harmonization with the original substance.
If we summarize, it comes down to this: First, believing that there is an original substance from which everything flows. Second, believing that this substance gives you everything you want. Lastly, feeling a sense of deep and intense gratitude that unites you with it. Super simple, right?
There are many who remain in poverty simply because of their lack of gratitude. It is indeed easy to understand that the closer one is to the source of wealth; the more one benefits from it. Being grateful also enables you to be more in a creative state of mind than in a competitive state of mind; another key to becoming rich, as we saw above, in chapter 5. Likewise, there is no point in complaining or getting angry with the economic and/or political system because then our vibration only attracts good reasons to continue to complain.
Chapter 8 • Thinking in the Appropriate Way
Impress what you want upon the original substance, easy! You still have to know clearly what you want to achieve. One of the tasks that you must tackle as a priority when you want to enrich yourself is to clearly define the life of your dreams. This must not remain a vague ethereal dream; your vision must become extremely clear and precise. You cannot succeed in imbuing the original substance with efficiency if you are in the dark.
In a nutshell, it is essential that you know what you want and that you are specific. To do this, go through all your desires and give them as much detail and precision as possible. Then your main job will be to keep that vision in your mind constantly, every second. When you work, do it with the awareness that whatever you are doing is moving you closer to achieving your vision. In times of leisure, contemplate your vision with faith and gratitude.
Unwavering faith and gratitude, these are two major ingredients of the enrichment process, otherwise we remain daydreaming. This process of enrichment indeed requires a lot of presence, a real presence to what you want to achieve in order to live the life you want. In this faith, go so far as to consider that all the things you desire are already part of your life.
And don’t forget the “gratitude attitude”! Act as if your riches are already in your life and give thanks as if you have indeed already obtained them. This is how you will maintain your faith, without which it will be difficult for you to climb the steps that lead you to the top of success, one by one. With gratitude, you will also open yourself to the possibility of receiving what you desire. Indeed, you must receive in your mind what you desire, otherwise you will never really access the life of your dreams.
Chapter 9 • How to Use Your Will
The only force to use, when you want to enrich yourself in a harmonious way, as this book suggests, is to use it upon yourself. Indeed, one should neither negotiate unfairly, nor use force or even mental manipulation towards anyone. Every man creates his wealth, from his thoughts, which he impresses upon the original substance.
The main job therefore is to stay focused on your vision. It is this vision that must be maintained with faith and determination. The more the faith is constant and affirmed, the more the creative forces of the Universe vibrate in unison with this faith and implement what is necessary to achieve the goal of the one who feels this faith.
Conversely, moments of doubt and fear pull us away from what we want, or rather, similarly, bring us closer to everything that is likely to worry us. This is why no one has ever been enriched by studying poverty. Also, never pay any attention to poverty, or even the poor. Because the best thing you can do to eradicate poverty is to get rich yourself and teach the poor how to get rich in turn. “Anyone who enriches themselves through creation opens the door for thousands of other people and inspires them to do the same,” concludes Wallace D. Wattles.
Belief in yourself and in what you want is essential because this is how you will attract the object of your desires to yourself. And you will not be able to maintain the mental image necessary for your enrichment if you fill your mind with images of poverty.
Chapter 10 • Further Use of The Will
In line with what has just been said, the author advises us never to speak of poverty, even if speaking of it in the past tense. For it amounts to classifying oneself mentally with the poor, which in this way impresses upon the original substance. We are also invited to put aside everything that is unpleasant to us in the world (do not read anything on the subject, for example) and rather to consider it as a stage in the evolution of the planet and which will disappear in due time, when it no longer has its place, as was the case for the dinosaurs.
The best way to relegate poverty to a memory of ancient times is to enrich yourself and teach others how to do the same. Because with a creative and uncompetitive mindset, anyone can become rich, and human genius will grow out of it. Getting rich is thus the noblest objective that there is, whether for oneself or for others; because it contributes to a better life on Earth. The poor are and remain so because they ignore all this. It is therefore up to all those who have The Science of Getting Rich; in their hands to lead by example and to teach them.
As you focus on your vision, keep this book close, read it daily, devote all your energy to studying wealth and forgetting about poverty. You can even go so far as to view poverty as wealth in the making, wealth that is not yet achieved, and the poor as people in the process of becoming richer.
Chapter 11 • Acting with Self-Confidence
After having explained how to think in such a way as to trigger the enrichment process, here is now how to take efficient action. Because reading The Science of Getting Rich will not be enough to make you rich, you will have to think AND act. As Wallace D. Wattles says here: “By thought you can cause the gold in the hearts of the mountains to be impelled toward you. But it will not mine itself, refine itself, coin itself into double eagles, and come rolling along the roads seeking its way into your pocket.“ This is how you have to open yourself up to the idea of receiving wealth.
Keeping your vision clear and focused on your mind, with faith and determination, in gratitude; will be enough to activate the creative forces necessary for its realization. And then, if you are ready, if you are open to receiving what you have asked for; you will easily recognize the opportunities that will present themselves to you and you will take efficient action at that time. This is how many people miss out on their enrichment because they are not ready to receive; and do not know how to see the opportunities. “Knowing how to receive is the key to the science of getting rich; ” as the author reminds us in this chapter.
However, if you don’t have a job that is right for you or that you think cannot directly enrich you; that doesn’t mean you have to wait to take action. You can act now. How? By doing your current job well, giving the best of yourself at all times; knowing that whatever you are doing is bringing your vision closer to you.
For wealth does not come from what you do, but from the way you do it (remember Chapter 2). If you behave in your current job and environment as the best possible step for you in your enrichment process; then it will be so. Pure and simple. The situation you desire will arise faster than you think.
In doing so, it is necessary to keep in mind the idea of creation and to banish competition, considering each person for the role they can play as a person and not for the money they can bring in.
Chapter 12 • Efficient Action
As we have just seen, it is a question of starting by doing everything that is within your reach under the current circumstances and to do it in an optimal way. It is the sum of achievements day after day that make success in general. As long as each day is successful, enrichment is inevitable. This is how opportunities appear, even if they are small at first. This is where we must be particularly vigilant. Enrichment is a process, neglecting what may seem trivial during this process can constitute an obstacle to the acquisition of wealth.
Just one small problem. It’s not about doing things beyond your limits, because in doing so you will imbue the original substance with this idea that success is practically beyond reach. You are never asked to do in one day what you do in two days or even a whole week, but to be careful to work efficiently and not to procrastinate.
Every efficient action is a success in itself. By performing each action with the force of self-assurance, each action is a success and leads to wealth. It doesn’t matter if your actions are important or not, the important thing is to see them as a vector of success and to carry them out as such.
In short, do what is right for you every day; and ensure that each of your actions is marked by efficiency. All of this is to be accomplished with your vision in mind. Here’s how to do it: During your free time, you will refine your vision; gradually adding the most precise details possible. Thus, your vision will be sufficiently anchored in your mind to be present during your working hours; without hampering your efficiency by the temptation to refine it further.
Chapter 13 • Choosing the Right Domain
To succeed in the field you have chosen, it is essential to be competent, obviously. I dare to hope that the surgeon who operates on me or the designing architect of the bridge on which I drive are competent — but it is also absolutely essential to master the mental tools that are contained in this book. And the good news is that both can be acquired!
You can train for a trade and you can study the science of getting rich. So, you can be successful in any field as long as you choose the skill and use the tools of the science of getting rich. It also means that you can choose to be successful in the field you love, not necessarily the one you’re good at or the one in which you’ve trained so far. Exciting, isn’t it?
The author even advises to choose your field according to what really pleases you, because your desires are the original substance which seeks to express itself through you (we have already seen this idea in chapter 6). If you understand, it means that maintaining the vibration of the original substance by relaying it can only lead you to wealth more quickly, because this is also where substance tells us where our potential lies. If you remember that those who are sensitive to beauty carry within them the potential to be surrounded by beautiful things, etc.
And if by chance, you have chosen in the past an activity or an area that you find unpleasant, you can make it enjoyable now, simply by accomplishing your tasks with the awareness that this way of doing things brings you closer to success and that soon you will be doing what you want. You will then see that new opportunities will present themselves to you quickly.
So, you know what you have to do. Every day go as fast as possible, but without hurrying, without doing too much; because when you rush or if you lack confidence; you cease being a creator and instead become a competitor. If you feel like you are rushing, stop. Come back to your vision and thank the original substance for leading you there.
Chapter 14 • Display Your Progress
Whether or not you change your profession; all your actions should focus on the work that is yours at the moment; as outlined in the previous three chapters. It is by remaining confident that we achieve our objectives quite naturally.
Another fundamental idea must underlie the actions of those who wish to be part of a process of enrichment: the notion of progress. “The desire for progress is inherent in all nature,” Wallace D. Wattles tells us. It is the very nature of the Universe to move towards more life. And it is this law of perpetual progress that leads human beings to go towards whatever will allow them to advance further.
By being sure of yourself, you will not stop making progress and you will transmit this dynamism to all those with whom you come into contact. I really like the example the author gives to illustrate this idea: you have to act in this way, even if it is only to sell a pacifier to a child. There are no small actions when you are on the path to enrichment.
By giving the impression that you are moving forward and that you are someone who helps those around you move forward; you will attract people who want to move forward; who will want to move forward with you and therefore who will also be eager to move you forward. By feeling that you are enriching yourself, you will lead others to have confidence in the enrichment process; you will enable them to enrich themselves, and they will also enable you to enrich yourself.
But beware! Be a creator, not a competitor. Check carefully that you value those around you more than the money they’ll bring you. Second warning, that of the temptation of power. Keep in mind that it is the realization of your vision that interests you and nothing else; otherwise, again, you are a competitor, not a creator.
Chapter 15 • The Advancing Man
“No matter your profession, if you can instill more energy in others and make them receptive to this gift; you will attract them and you will start to get rich.” Wallace D. Wattles reminds us in the introduction of this chapter, as echoing the previous one. Anyone who combines skill and action in the philosophy that has been described since the beginning of this book will inevitably enrich themselves.
For people who are salaried employees and do not see how wealth could take place for them; they must add an important dimension: Feeling boxed in their position and aiming for a more satisfactory one. And if that was not possible, by applying the principles of the science of getting rich to the letter; they will very quickly have the opportunity to find another job; as has already been mentioned in chapters 11 and 13.
The author goes even further here by generalizing this approach. If all employees acted in the same way; then companies would be obliged to improve their working conditions to continue their activity. And the world would be all the better for it.
Last piece of advice: Don’t wait for the opportunity of the century, the one that meets all your aspirations. Take the one that presents itself as soon as it allows you to improve your situation. And as you continue in your next step to apply the tools of enrichment; an even better second opportunity will present itself, then a third, and so on until all your dreams come true.
Chapter 16 • In Conclusion: Some Cautions and Some Observations
Here, the author offers us a view of the world very different from that which is usually presented to us in the media. According to him, contrary to popular belief; wealth is not limited and therefore we do not need any change in policy or change in the economic system for poverty to disappear from our planet. It would suffice for everyone to apply the principles of the science of getting rich.
If current governments keep the masses in poverty, it is because the masses do not confidently progress to wealth. According to Wallace D. Wattles, nothing and no one can keep someone who has decided to become rich in poverty and applies the tools presented in this book to that end. The current economic system itself, based on competition; will not be able to slow down any person who has decided to work from the perspective of creation. By entering into this dynamic of creation, you become the citizen of a new world; and you allow this new world to exist concretely.
In this process of enrichment, it is advisable not to attach any importance to the obstacles. When we advance with confidence, we realize that they disappear at our approach or that a path allowing to pass by opens before our eyes. Acting on a daily basis with the awareness that everything you do enriches you works miracles on these obstacles that you once feared.
It is also about training to see the world as something in the making; something that grows, and to regard everything that is unpleasant as something unfinished. Because having a negative vision imbues the original substance with negative ideas; which will not bring you happiness, achievement, success, or wealth. It will keep you in a negative state of mind…
One can go even further: You may perceive failures in your path; but the best way to turn them into success is to see them as such; as the prelude to even greater success. With hindsight, you have probably already happened to be disappointed by a project that did not come to fruition and to rejoice a few months later by saying to yourself something like “luckily this project did not materialize because what I’m doing today is even better.”
As long as you keep the faith, stay on target; are grateful for everything that happens in your life and accomplish all that can be done every day; you can expect success and wealth.
In short, here is the user guide for enrichment in a few lines. Make The Science of Getting Rich your everyday companion and apply its principles to the letter. In your spare time, contemplate your vision and express your gratitude. At work, act efficiently with faith and determination, in a creative, non-competitive mindset, clearly displaying your progress. The original substance will do the rest.
Chapter 17 • Summary of the Science of Getting Rich
To end this book, Wallace D. Wattles offers us a summary of the main ideas contained in the previous chapters:
- Move from a competitive mindset to a creative mindset.
- The main way to be in harmony with the substance, the essence of the universe; in order to co-create our reality with it, is sincere gratitude.
- In order to create wealth, you must first have a clear, crisp, precise vision and keep it constantly in mind; while imagining that it has already been achieved. This regular contemplation must be accompanied by unshakeable faith and sincere gratitude.
- Take action and act efficiently today, using everything available to you to do so. Do what is possible every day, without doing more than what is possible, but without procrastinating. Act with your vision in mind, with the idea that everything you are doing enriches you.
- Make sure that each transaction gives the buyer more than the monetary consideration he pays for that transaction. Any transaction must create more wealth for everyone.
- Offer others the image of someone who is progressing, of someone who is on the way to success.
He ends by writing: “The men and women who carry out these instructions will become rich. And the riches they will receive will be equivalent to what they have visualized; to their determination, to the steadfastness of their faith and to the sincerity of their gratitude.”
Champions, No doubt, this book is a great writing on HOW to be Rich. I recommend you to read this full book, and apply the knowledge to your practical life, as author too, assured that, all the teachings in the book are practical rather than theoretical and I too, agree on this.
Go and get a fresh copy for yourself or if you wish to read digital version, then don’t forget to be registered as Kailaba – Registered Readers and feel ease to ask for pdf, we will send you pdf on your mail. Boom, the door to Rich is open and full of opportunity, just knock it. Keep reading, keep growing. Kailaba – always empowering you through words.